Workshops and Courses

In 2023, I visited Rishikesh in India to complete my Sound Healing Teacher Training. What a wonderful experience that was. The drive to Rishikesh from Dehadran airport was incredible. Windy roads through forest jungle was incredible and then WOW…. The Ganges. What a beautiful powerful force of nature. Mama Ganga. When I arrived in Rishikesh, the streets were lined with cows, dogs and cheeky monkeys. The people wore traditional Indian dress and were busy going about their everyday work life. Selling sugar cane juice, fresh fruits such as papaya and pineapples and as for the shops. Beautifully handmade bed spreads, cushion covers, clothes, it was incredible. I wish I had more luggage allowance on my return trip as I would have purchased so much more.

The course was led by Deepak, a deep, philosophical man whose knowledge I was in awe of. He had lived and worked in China and Tibet for 15 years, gaining his sound healing and yogi knowledge over there and had 5 studios, delivering his knowledge to 1000’s of students. Once COVID arrived he had to give these up and moved back to India. On the course we were taught how to use Tibetan traditional singing bowls, goings, wind chimes, rain sticks, ocean drums, hand pans, drums, crystal bowls and how each chakra in the body requires a certain  bowl/note, which incense to use to help unblock these chakras and how to choregraph a soothing sound bowl session.

Tibetan singing bowls have been used for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. They create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of diseased and out of harmony parts of the body, mind and soul. Healing processes are initiated through entraining our brainwaves to synchronise with the perfect resonance of the bowls. Unique tones are created to help reach the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking and intuitive messages. The gong is a powerful therapeutic instrument that is said to resolve physical, emotional and spiritual dissonance.

To enquire about sound baths, drop me an email